
Horčičková Lucie
teacher, dancer, choreographer
Professional practice
Lucie deals with street dance and dancehall styles. In the past she studied the basics of classical ballet, jazz dance, lock, hype, poppin, house, funk, etc.
from 2009
Art Edition dance group
traineeships at Broadway Dance Center, Peridance Center, Djoniba Dance and Drum Center, New York
dance courses teacher in World Class Fitness
Nike Workout Bollywood certified instructor
double champion of the Czech Republic in Hip-Hop
dancer in JAD Company by Yemi
finalist in Czech Dance Organisation champiionships (as a solo and duo-dancer)
member of Jatak dance group (disco dance)
member of Dance4you hip hop dance group and damnce school teacher
participation on choreographic competition in Burghausen, Germany
DaM dance school in Jablonec nad Nisou (ballet, jazz, modern dance, contemporary dance)
Performing with choreographers
Dante7 (L.A.) - Justin Timberlake's and Missy Eliot's dancer
Henry Link (NYC) - Michael Jackson's choreographer
Luam (NYC) - video-clips choreographer by Nelly Furtado, Rihana
Jonté (NYC) - Beyoncé's choreographer
Tight Eyez (L.A.) - Rize movie and Krump dance style founder
Performing in musicals
Antoinette - Queen of France (Hybernia Theatre, Prague)
Kleopatra (Broadway Theatre, Prague)